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SCANLAB作为第一批数字-编码器基于intelliSCANde 14扫描系统集成到制造工具中。intelliSCANde 14是一个完全数字化的扫描头编码器对于位置反馈,基于iDRIVE的数字控制电子设备和20位SL2-100控制接口。intelliSCANde 14是高精度加工的理想选择,专为要求扫描头速度和精度接近高端XY平台的应用而设计。
SCANLAB has delivered the first digital-encoders based on the intelliSCANde 14 scanning system integrated into manufacturing tools. intelliSCANde 14 is a fully digital scan head encoder for position feedback, IDrive-based digital control electronics and a 20-bit SL2-100 control interface. intelliSCANde 14 is ideal for high-precision machining and is designed for applications that require scan head speed and accuracy close to high-end XY platforms.